Monday, March 31, 2014

"Superman and Me" An Interesting way to Read

In the beginning of the semester my English teacher assigned the class an article or short story to read called "Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie. In the story Alexie is the narrator and he talks about how he learned to read using a Superman comic book. He describes how he would see a picture and interpret what the word would be saying. For instance in one picture he saw Superman bursting through a door and in his mind he was think the words were saying "Superman bursts through the door". From that moment on he began to describe how his love for reading blossomed because of the many books his father would bring to his house. As he grew up he began to read every chance he could, and soon became a writer much to his surprise because he wanted to be a pediatrician. He worked hard to succeed in school and worked harder to inspire kids to do the same. I actually found this story an interesting read. It made me think of how many children who simply don’t try because they are not expected to. I would one day like to inspire kids and show them that there is nothing wrong with succeeding especially if it’s for you.

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